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I want to express to you my deep gratitude for the work you do and for the gift of this toolbox of peacemaker delights!

LeeAnn McKenna, Executive Director, Partera International, Canada

This Peacebuilders’ Toolbox contains the online tools and guides we wish we had when we started our peace work. We do not receive money from these links. They are simply the tools we have tried, tested and use in our work. We are happy to share them with you.


We created a Peacebuilders’ Toolbox for you.  Sometimes we are asked about the tools we use when engaging in peace work online. As academics, administrators, organizers, and networkers, we have tried and tested a variety of tools. This first CSOP ebook reveals some of the tech tools we use. Peacebuilding cannot be done primarily by technology and yet technology greatly extends our ability to bring people together.

As current and former Co-Directors of the Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP), over the last 8 years, we have been building an international network of engaged peacebuilders. We have seen it as our work to equip, to inspire and to challenge—and to be challenged and inspired by—these peacebuilders. One element in that work is the use of online tools. Over time we have found particular tools that serve us well in our peacebuilding work. It seems consistent with peacebuilding that we share our best tools in the hope that others might find them useful and use them to build peace in ways that we couldn’t even imagine. What is listed on these pages is our tried-and-tested Peacebuilders’ Toolbox for online peacebuilding.

Since the Canadian School of Peacebuilding (an Institute of Canadian Mennonite University) started in 2009, we have been building an online platform to serve engaged peacebuilders around the world. Here are 52 of the tools we wish someone had told us to use sooner. Click on the name of the tool to hyperlink to their website. This is only a sampler. Let us know if you have suggestions of what would be helpful to include in future editions of this Peacebuilders’ Toolbox (

This book is a gift. Please feel free to share it with others. It is our hope that this gift helps you to live and to be peace in the here and now. Blessings on the journey.

Thank you so much for this gift!

Chito Generoso, A dairy farmer/entrepreneur, Peace, Nonviolence, & Alternative Dispute Resolution Advocate, Philippines

Thank you very much indeed! This is most helpful.

Celina Garcia, Fundación CEPPA, Costa Rica